2. In the process of mixing the castable with water, the amount of water added is crucial. For example, if the amount of water added is too large, the castable will appear relatively thin, and the fluidity will increase, which will affect the construction strength of the castable. However, if the amount of water added is too small, it will cause the aggregate and the powder to be difficult to mix and cause accumulation, which will result in loose structure and deteriorating construction quality.
3. The important factor in the quality of the castable is the temperature. Short-term sudden changes in temperature can cause the castable to be damaged quickly, and then the quality will be seriously degraded, and even if it is not used, it will fall off. The thermal shock sta bility of the castable is very weak before construction is completed.
4. Cement dosage, cement is an important material to determine the strength of refractory castables. Generally speaking, with the increase of cement dosage, the normal temperature compressive strength increases, the high temperature strength decreases, the refractoriness and load softening temperature decrease continuously, and the line shrinks after burning. The rate also increases. Some manufacturers will shoddy the product, causing the castables to fail to meet expectations.
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